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Next.js developers

CodeWalnut is a Next.js development company focused on turning figma designs into kickass web apps.
Staff up your project with remote Next.js developers from CodeWalnut.
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Average developer or Expert Next.js engineer
Raises ad hoc pull requests. Non-descriptive commits, mass merging branches causing other's code to break.
Raises high-quality PRs, conventional commits with code rebasing expertise.
No unit tests written, a lot of page level bugs found in the testing phase.
Writes unit tests with RTL (react testing library) and code is well tested.
My code focuses on implementing functionality thats it.
My code adheres to Next.js coding standards and is optimized for performance.
Inline CSS is the norm, and I introduce custom CSS as and when I see a need.
I update the design system and reuse classes. I avoid inline CSS and maximize use of Tailwind or Bootstrap.
Code review is not a must - I check-in soon after I finish coding.
I use AI tools to review code and seek architect feedback on my code quality.
No PR process followed, non-descriptive commits, mass merge the branches instead of rebasing.
No test coverage is required. Let production burn with regression bugs.
Type security is optional, Let's feed wrong data and leak regression issues into production.
Inline CSS is comfortable, never worry about scalability and maintainability.
Best practices are limited to documents, never care about optimization possibilities.
High-quality PRs, conventional commits, code rebasing expertise.
Writing unit tests with RTL is a must have when you wish to avoid regression.
TypeScript over JavaScript
Maximize usage of classes of Tailwind 3 or BootStrap 5. Minimize inline CSS
AI is part of my Toolkit. ChatGPT and GitHub CoPilot (provided its acceptable practice for the client)
Engagement model
Remote Next.js Developer
Client project management
Fixed Cost, Hourly or Monthly Basis
Full Project Team
Roles include
Developers, Architect, Scrum Master and QA Engineer
Team of 6
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Asked Questions
Yes, Next.js is super popular due to its capabilities for server-side rendering, static site generation, and routing features which enhance the performance and SEO of React applications.
Tailwind and Bootstrap 5 are best fit for Next.js projects and team is well versed in both apart from material UI.
Next.js is well suited for SEO using server side rendering. CodeWalnut specialists have worked extensively on making Next.js web pages best optimized for SEO.
Integrating Next.js with Headless CMS is a great practices for enterprise websites. Team has worked on Adobe AEM, StoryBlok, ContentStack and Wordpress Gutenberg Editor.
Next.js developers are fully practicing Agile ceremonies such as Sprint planning, Sprint Review, Daily Standups, Sprint Retrospective, Backlog grooming and using Jira, Slack tools.